Re: [Evolution] Evolution and multiple identites

What I need is to assign multiple email addreses to one accout,
    john_doe example org
    johnny example org

And to be able to pick from which I want to respond (autopick based
on folder would be nice but if not possible it's ok).

Multiple identies, absolutely!  One account, no.  At least I don't think
so.  I'm trying to figure how you could use multiple email addresses for
one account.  To me, each email address would be a separate account.

Yes, separate "accounts" is how you do it, except that you can specify a
receiving "Server Type" of "None" - you still have to fill in the
outgoing server information (since that is critical to how your outgoing
mail appears), but no account for that address will appear in the left
hand pane.

Go to Edit->Identities

Edit -> Preferences 


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