Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account)

On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 18:37 -0500, dbrenner wrote:
On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 18:54 -0400, Mark Filipak wrote:
On 2013/7/1 6:23 PM, Pascal Hasko Bernhard wrote:
On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 23:58 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 21:20 +0200, Pascal Hasko Bernhard wrote:
I realized the Evolution (3.4.6) does actually not download all messages
I had moved to specific folders before using this mail client. This
happens with all my IMAP accounts, I have seven of them. In some folders
there even no messages displayed at all!

Have you checked ?

Yes, and I'm afraid to say that the recommendations did not solve my
problem. In fact the tip to activate "Show Deleted Messages" has
Evolution display recently deleted message in the inbox (no change in
the number of messages displayed in other folders) which makes
navigating between newly arrived mail quite annoying that is why I had
turned it off and will do so again.
Via webmail I can see the messages, (I'm not talking about deleted
mails, bzt messages moved to specific folders) but they do not show up
in Evolution :-(



I'm probably not at all qualified to help (I am very novice with Evo & I don't 
use IMAP), but I think I see how I might be able to help...

Pascal, you wrote "...messages I had moved to specific folders before using 
this mail client". If you moved those messages to folders _before_ you started 
using Evo, then how is Evo going to know about those folders and those messages?

I've never tried to move a mail store from one client to another client. I'm 
most familiar with Thunderbird. In Thunderbird you need to create a profile.

HTH - Mark.

Could be your IMAP subscriptions. See -


I now checked for each and every folder whether I was subscribed to it
and on every right-click I'm only given the option to "unsubscribe"  as
is the case when setting subscriptions globally by clicking on the top
node for each account. Refereshing the contents of each folder made no

Then I looked into the "Properties" of the folders, and found to my
astonishment that nowhere was the box "Copy folder contents locally for
offline operation" checked, I did so. Now Evolution jolted into action
(I least it pretended to) and at the bottom I was notified that it
downloaded messages fo offline use. It still remains a mystery to me
which mails it downloaded and where to. The number of messages in each
folder stayed the same. 

When right-clicking on a folder and selecting properties the new pop-up
window tells me for many accounts that they contain say X messages, non
of them unread. Still no mails displayed in the message list. For some
folders I'm told that there should be over 200 messages in them, but
still only a tiny fraction of them or not a single one is to be seen. I
checked via webmail whether the number of mails Evolution tells me there
should be is correct, and most of the time there are actually more
messages in the folders than I'm told. As I do not have any empty mail
folders on any account, seeing a folder with no message always makes me
very suspicious. 


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