Re: [Evolution] downloads page

On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 17:55 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
One of the frequent problems on this list is with Ubuntu users using
some ancient version of Evolution and clearly the Ubunutu package
maintainers are not going to fix it by putting a very recent version
in their repos.  I guess that is why some kind soul created the PPA.
So is it possible to help the kind soul and the Ubuntu users by
promoting the PPA in some way?  Perhaps one link on the main website
to go to a downloads page and then a 2nd link for Ubuntu users?  

I am more or less sad at the path this thread has taken, I think Tom
raises some valid concerns about the way users reach Evolution. However
this problem is not specific to Evo, it affects the whole Linux
ecosystem and is being addressed by Lennart's effort for application

In the meantime, even if less than ideal, we have to cope with the fact
that it's distros who distribute Evolution.

I don't think that discussing this whole thing before there are tools to
distribute Evolution effectively in a binary form across distros in a
sensible manner is a waste of everybody's time.

Alberto Ruiz

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