[Evolution] PPAs and Postings (was Re: downloads page)

On Sat, 2013-08-24 at 13:02 -0300, Betti Ann and Preston Smith wrote:
Good afternoon,

You refer to this as a technical list.  I see this as a users' list.
Here is the heading from evolution-list gnome org

evolution-list -- General discussion and user queries of Evolution

If this list is now a technical list, can you refer me to an Evo
users' list?

The last thing that I want to do while seeking help on a software
package is to offend the list format police or use the wrong list.

This list is for users who want to provide something or who want to ask
something about Evolution. The term "technical" is regarding to the
usage, the way Evolution does work. Sure, you also can mention something
philosophical about Evolution, even if this isn't technical, but it's
very simple, if you need help, than post in a way, that makes it easy to

For your mail I'm replying at the moment, why didn't you remove the
quoted mail? Why did you decide to reply by a HTML formatted mail? If
there's a valid reason, than please explain.

What's the problem with following the wish to not use HTML and to
inline/bottom post instead of top posting, after it was explained why
plain text and inline/bottom posting is wanted at most mailing lists?


PS: Sorry for breaking the threads, I forwarded the last messages,
because I forgot to use the correct account.

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