Re: [Evolution] Evolution and sync with carddav server


I suppose you connect to your CardDAV server with WebDAV addressbook, do
you? The problem is...

Well, if my problem is somehow related to the setup I'm using, ask me. I would really help to get this fixed 
somehow. If this means that somebody eg wants to test this functionality, I am willing to add a test account 
on my Max OS box, if this helps.
Nah, never mind, I had ready a very nice paragraph for more detailed
testing, but then I checked code more carefully and the WebDAV backend
is just doing things what you said it does, see this:

I agree with the poster, evolution should have this fixed, instead of
the server. Maybe we can deal with this as part of this bug report:

Wait, now, I'm confused a bit: Is referring to this bug? 
I'm not sure about this. And: Is it correct that Evolution is not correctly following these specifications? 
Just to make this sure.

If this is the case: Well, as long as the server is not following these specifications either, it does not 
matter (as eg owncloud -> here, the connectivity between Evolution and the owncloud addressbook server is 
working fine). But I guess for some servers as the Mac OS I'm using, it should be fixed. IMHO it's more easy 
to fix the client in this case as the server.

Am I wrong? Or what do others think about this?

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