Re: [Evolution] Searching using Expressions...or using and / or.....

On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 08:40 +0200, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 13.06.2012, 16:32 +0100 schrieb Steve T:
> Evolution 3.2.3, Gnome 3
> I want to be able to set up searches that use a mixture of ands and
> ors - ie typically say I wanted to create a search for this 'group',
> and then only select messages sent by me or one other person. In
> pseudo code:
> WHERE subject matches '[Evolution]*'
> AND    (sender matches 'stevetucknott*' OR sender matches
> 'joebloggs*')
> What is the easiest way of going about this? I looked at 'Expressions'
> but can't then find the documentation to show what I can do with them.
> Should I be using 'regex' rather than an _expression_ - and is there
> anywhere that tells me what fields are available to be
> matched/compared?
> _______________________________________________

Try virtual folders. Set up the first one with 'subject matches' and
another virtual folder to match on "sender matches 'stevetucknott*' OR
sender matches 'joebloggs*'".
Then create a third virtual folder which matches on everything, but only
select the two previously created virtual search folders. That should do

I had extensive virtual folders originally, but have largely dropped them (I keep the ones I use on a day to day basis) as they seemed to slow up the load of Evolution. And really, in the cases that I'm talking about, I just want to do 'ad-hoc' queries. It's not a query that I'd want to keep as a permanent feature (I know that doesn't preclude me from using Virtual Folders) if that make sense.

I think what I'm really asking is does anyone know if there are plans to change the 'search' options so that the '...all conditions...'/'...any conditions...' option is moved down to the criteria?

IE to be able to say 'and'/'or' at the start of each criteria line (and to be able to bracket the criteria)? Or maybe keep the search as it is, with an additional button to allow the edit of the resultant query where the user can add the 'ands'/'ors'/'brackets'?

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