Re: [Evolution] I guess I am going to have to change my e-maill address.

We are not spammers, but whistleblowers.
please, do not classify my messages like spams !
It is possible that your are among my 200,000 contacts, I will check.

What kind of meesgaes I use to send : news from our fight against worldwide organized corruption.

You can imagine how hard is repression on us, particualarly against me, the leader : every politics pary, police, courts, medias (ignoring us but following our progress).

The origin of our fight is here :    and and

  I am the leader in France, we follow pieces of advice from Stephen Boyden "it is never too late", but no mercy for those who wants to destroy 90% of us throught violence and wars.

Spead the word around you, it is really serious.

Anyway, if you want to be removed from my lists, return this message with word UNSBSCRIBE in the subject line
Patrice Hénin, Paris, France : patrice henin free fr

Le 26/08/2012 17:54, Paul's unattended mail a écrit :
On 2012-08-25, Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> wrote:
Changing your address is *NOT* a solution. There are SPAM and junk
mail management tools. =20
I would say it is an *incomplete* solution, but certainly part of the
solution.  Of course, once an email address becomes contaminated with
profuse spam, it's time to get another.

The OP should get a new address, and also get a
address.  The new address should not be given to anyone.  Create a
unique disposable address for each distribution of
your email address.  This way, no one knows your secret address
(except, which in itself prevents spam without even
having to use defensive tools like spamassassin.  If someone starts
attacking one of your spamgourmet addresses, just login to spamgourmet
and turn that address off.

What's interesting about this approach is you generally know who
leaked your address because (if you're careful) each disposable
address is only given to one entity.

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Patrice Hénin

copies-miroirs en français - mirrors in French :

Interviews radio IDFM98 + manuscrit (draft) PDF :

Conformément à la loi et aux règlements de la CNIL, les messages de prospection associatifs, politiques, caritatifs ou religieux ne sont pas considérés comme des messages de publicité. Votre adresse courriel peut nous avoir été communiquée par une relation commune ou par un message multi-adressé.
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PS : aux élus, policiers, magistrats, journalistes, etc. qui ne veulent plus recevoir des nouvelles des crimes d'état, la loi ne pardonne pas. Si vous passez outre, c'est que vous détruisez nos civilisations et vous faites partie de nos ennemis :

Complicité silencieuse Article 434-1 En savoir plus sur cet article...
le fait, pour quiconque ayant connaissance d'un crime dont il est encore possible de prévenir ou de limiter les effets, ou dont les auteurs sont susceptibles de commettre de nouveaux crimes qui pourraient être empêchés, de ne pas en informer les autorités judiciaires ou administratives est puni de trois ans d'emprisonnement et de 45000 euros d'amende.

Accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act, the marketing messages and political organizations, charitable or religious are not considered advertising messages. Your email may have been provided us by a mutual acquaintance or multi-message sent.
To unsubscribe, reply to this message with the
word UNSUBSCRIBE simply copied and pasted in the subject line.

PS: elected officials, police, magistrates etc.. who no longer want to receive news of state crimes, the law does not forgive. If you ignore is that you destroy our civilizations and you are part of our enemies:
United States Code (U.S.C.), section two of title 18

the act by anyone with knowledge of a crime of which he is still possible to prevent or minimize the effects, or whose authors are likely to commit new crimes that could be altered, not to inform the judicial or administrative is punished

Only your dismiss or removal will result in one of our lists, because:
votre démission ou élimination entrainera celle de nos listes, parce que :
nous sommes légion
- we are legion
nous n'oublions pas
- we do not forget
nous ne pardonnons pas
- we do not forgive
gare à nous
- expect us

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