Re: [Evolution] I guess I am going to have to change my e-maill address.

On 2012-08-25, Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> wrote:

Changing your address is *NOT* a solution. There are SPAM and junk
mail management tools. =20

I would say it is an *incomplete* solution, but certainly part of the
solution.  Of course, once an email address becomes contaminated with
profuse spam, it's time to get another.

The OP should get a new address, and also get a
address.  The new address should not be given to anyone.  Create a
unique disposable address for each distribution of
your email address.  This way, no one knows your secret address
(except, which in itself prevents spam without even
having to use defensive tools like spamassassin.  If someone starts
attacking one of your spamgourmet addresses, just login to spamgourmet
and turn that address off.

What's interesting about this approach is you generally know who
leaked your address because (if you're careful) each disposable
address is only given to one entity.

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