Re: [Evolution] Eudora 7 Outbox mail migration to Evolution - Update

Hello Pete

1. Yes an email copied into the Sent folder where the Eudora Outbox
emails were imported to does show the date normally in the message list.

2. Below is an email in its entirety that was imported from the Eudora
Outbox and shows up in the Sent folder mailbox without any date info.

One apology - in the date column there is a ? 

I had mentioned that the date column showed "no date" - confused with
another email client I was experimenting with - I think I have tried
most but Evolution seems just nice to use.


Peter Cave


To: manfred sanitron com au
From: Peter Cave <cave tpg com au>
Subject: USB cro adaptor
Message-Id: <7 1 0 9 0 20110205092124 021be938 tpg com au>
X-Eudora-Signature: <Alternate>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:30:32 +1000
Mime-Version: 1.0

Hi Manfred<br><br>
The more expensive one of the two at electus would be the one I would
choose - far better than the cheaper one.<br><br>
Peter <br>
Peter Cave<br>
28 Freeth St East<br>
Ormiston Qld 4160<br>
Ph 07 3821 1160<br>
Mobile 0438 656 235<br><br>

On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 13:35 +0000, evolution-list-request gnome org

Hello Pete

I Looked at the .evolution/ mail/local/sent folder and the properties co-incide with the size of the original 
Eudora out.mbx.

However I was able to open the folder with Open Office Writer and all the mail messages exist as one long 
document and all with the same date 21 March 2011.

It appears from the header that it was created on mon 14 March 2011.

I will try to copy the first couple of pages here for info - not sending too much so as not to clog up your 
system with useless info.

Maybe it makes sense to you - it certainly does not to me.


Peter Cave

From MAILER-DAEMON localhost6 localdomain6 Mon Mar 14 22:38:51 2011
Date: 14 Mar 2011 22:38:51 +1000
From: Mail System Internal Data <MAILER-DAEMON localhost6 localdomain6>
X-IMAP: 1300106331 0000000000
Status: RO
Message-ID: <1300690954 2237 0 camel peter-GeForce6100PM-M2>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Evolution: 00000002-0010

This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
with the data reset to initial values.

From cave powerup com au Mon Mar 21 17:23:38 2011
To: aeb1 americanisp net
From: Peter Cave <cave powerup com au>
Subject: Re: [v12-engine] Cooling Debate
In-Reply-To: <387DE64B 3B4979D3 americanisp net>
References: <3 0 6 32 20000113203527 007d98c0 pop3 powerup com au>
X-Eudora-Signature: <Standard>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:23:38 +1000
Message-ID: <1300692218 2237 3364 camel peter-GeForce6100PM-M2>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Evolution: 00000004-0000


No problem with the regulator circuit I will dig it out, scan it and send it as a JPEG file in the next 
couple of days

Thanks again


 and send At 07:50  13/01/00 -0700, you wrote:
   The expensive radiator I mentioned in the post ( from the racecar shop that
does my dads radiators ) would be the second type. The matrix would have been much
more expensive and everything would have been made of heavy gauge materials. I
have the first type with the " wriggly thingies ". I also have 3 separate ends on
this radiator, so I couldn't just " bash out a partition " as been mentioned. The
Hayden thermostat controller also has a wire that allows the fans to be turned on
regardless of temperature. This lead usually is hooked to the air conditioning
circuit ( just like the original fan circuit ). I haven't needed the override yet.
Good idea though. The GMALT conversion requires a suitable GM replacement
alternator and comes with the conversion wiring. The alternator specs are included
in the instruction sheet and it does a step by step installation guide. I added
monster cable ( from the audio shop ) that is 8 GA wire to reduce the I/R drop at
high currents.

   If you send me a circuit, I'd like to build it & replace the gauge regulators
on all my english cars.


From cave powerup com au Mon Mar 21 17:23:39 2011
To: aeb1 americanisp net
From: Peter Cave <cave powerup com au>
Subject: Instrument Voltage Regulator
X-Attachments: C:\Eudora\Attach\Jag Instrument Voltage Regulators.jpg;
X-Eudora-Signature: <Standard>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:23:39 +1000
Message-ID: <1300692219 2237 3365 camel peter-GeForce6100PM-M2>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Evolution: 00000006-0000

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 07:50:51 -0700
From: Arthur Blackwell <aeb1 americanisp net>
Subject: Re: [v12-engine] Cooling Debate

   If you send me a circuit, I'd like to build it & replace the gauge regulators
on all my english cars.

- -art-

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