Re: [Evolution] [ANNOUNCE] Evolution-EWS (Exchange Web Services) Alpha release

On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 23:36 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
The problem with our setup is that the real address is aliased to the
Exchange address before Exchange even sees the email.  So my email
address of pete biggs unit xx yy zz is aliased to my exchange address of
pbiggs exchange xx yy zz before it hits the exchange server

Oh, joy. So the address that is publicly visible is just a 'vanity'
address that forwards to the 'real' address behind the scenes?

When you attempt to *send* an email, Exchange puts an address on it
automatically, and will *reject* any attempts to send messages with a
From: address that doesn't belong to you (which means it's broken for
the 'forward as redirect' operation, and I don't see any way to fix it).

What address(es) will your server accept when you attempt to send mail?

Does it make you send using the exchange.xx.yy.zz address, and then
rewrite it to the unit.xx.yy.zz address automatically? Or do you send
using the unit.xx.yy.zz address?

Your current configuration uses the unit.xx.yy.zz address, but has the
URL which was obtained with the exchange.xx.yy.zz autoconfiguration?
Have you tried to send mail yet?

I have no doubt that the setup at my work is bizarre so I doubt it is
worth it, or even possible, to alter the code to accommodate it.

I suspect it's not *that* uncommon. Nobody in their right mind would
really want to have an Exchange system facing the public Internet;
wouldn't you *always* want it behind some kind of buffer server?

Finally, you've labeled this as an Alpha release - do you have any idea
of the timescale for getting it to beta and ultimately to stable?

Within 2-3 months, I hope. If that.

The mail side has reached the point where we are using it exclusively
for our work email instead of imap/smtp. I've been doing so for the last
couple of months, in fact.

Read-only calendar support is already working, and we've fixed a few
long-standing bugs in Evolution that our QA team found when testing
that. We are currently working on write support for the calendar, and
personal addressbook support. And on a few nasty implementation details
that we postponed until after the Alpha release.

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
David Woodhouse intel com                              Intel Corporation

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