Re: [Evolution] [ANNOUNCE] Evolution-EWS (Exchange Web Services) Alpha release

On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 10:10 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
The other thing that I think might have confused things was that I
initially put in my "real" email address and not the
username exchange server add on the first screen.  As I said, it's all
working now so it's difficult for me to categorically say what the
issues are - or even file bugs against it.

Actually it's supposed to be your *real* email address.

So in my case I enter 'david woodhouse intel com". When I then hit the
'Fetch URL' button to do the autodiscovery, it follows the instructions
at â which are
  - Construct an XML request
  - Try posting it to
  - If that fails, try posting it to

(Actually there's slightly more in the MS documentation that we don't
quite implement yet, but this ought to work, I think).

In fact, our sysadmins are stupid and refuse to fix the broken firewall
that drops packets to port 443 instead of rejecting them, and
which causes that first request to take ages to time out. So the EWS
code will do *both* of those requests in parallel and take the results
of the first successful one.

This autodiscover stuff is all a bit of a mess, and I suspect it's often
not set up correctly. If you find it misbehaving, it would be very
useful if you could try to work out what's wrong, and if there's
something in that
we *should* be doing, that we're not.


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