Re: [Evolution] HELP/new explanation for Sylvia

The primary difficulty I am experiencing is that Evo is sorting
two different ways, depending upon where the Address Book is viewed.
When I am in the main Contacts (Contact adding and editing) area,
the Contact entries are sorted as they have been requested to be
sorted - last name first. But when I access the second instance,
the pop-up that responds to the "TO:" in the "EDIT" (email composing)
mode, that window is ignoring the instruction, and displaying the
Contacts sorted on "Full Name", rather than on the "File Under" field.

It looks like the address selection popup extracts just the email
addresses from the address book and then sorts them in a fairly
simplistic manner (probably leaving the widget to do the sorting) - if
it doesn't extract the sort order, it can't sort them in that order.
Sure, it probably should be sorting them in what you think is the
correct order, but it may need some comprehensive re-writing of that bit
of code to extract two fields and then sort them and then display a
different field to what is sorted on.  But I'm just surmising, I haven't
looked at the code.

The reason I am finding the lack of responses to this query so puzzling
is very simple: it seems that either nobody else has experienced
this, or that they have, and have ignored it. Does it not seem quite
unlikely that, if this is a bug in 2.28.1, nobody else would have
noticed it? Is it possible that people would actually put up with
having their Contacts incorrectly sorted every time they need to
retrieve one when composing an email?

Perhaps it just hasn't bothered anyone before - personally I haven't
ever used the address selection popup - I either reply to emails or type
the address in directly, using autocomplete when necessary.

Then as a related part of this, there are Contacts which appear in the
latter list but never show up in the main Contacts editing list.
That is also unacceptable; if for no other reason than those Contacts
which do not show on the main Contacts editing screen are therefore
no available for editing.

They aren't "contacts" as such they are email addresses extracted from
your contacts.  Perhaps you have extra email addresses in some of your
contacts that are being listed there as well.

I really have to believe these conditions are both bugs, but I have
invested a lot of time in searching forum posts and bug lists, and have
yet to find either one. On the other hand , if they *are* bugs, why
is it that nobody else has noticed them?

If all this bothers you, and no one as reported it before, then file a
bug ... and congratulate yourself that you have found an issue that no
one else has spotted before :-)  That is after all how FOSS works.  And
remember that what to you is a show stopper crass obvious bug, may well
be an edge case to other people.

I don't like mysteries. If I want mystery, I'll read Agatha Christie.
I don't need it in my email programs :-)

If you don't want it to be a mystery, then read the source and see what
has actually been programmed - it's FOSS, so nothing is either a mystery
or a secret.


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