Re: [Evolution] Building Evolution

Am Donnerstag, den 29.04.2010, 10:03 -0400 schrieb Reid Thompson:
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 09:29:40AM -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Thu, 2010-04-29 at 07:52 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
Paul Smith wrote up a custom Makefile to automate most of the process
of building Evolution from git.  See

Note that Paul's Makefile is for Ubuntu. Presumably other Debian-like
systems could use it without too much effort. If anyone feels like doing
a version for Fedora (or rpm-based systems in general) I'm sure they
would earn the plaudits of a grateful community :-)


The makefile will work for other distros.  I use it with gentoo.

I started with the above makefile, too. But recently I follow just
a simple pattern.
Do an autogen for gtkhtml, evolution-data-server, evolution and
some other modules like exchange, which you might need and do
a make install, like this:

cd obj/evolution ## Create separate directories for obj files beforehand

#! /bin/bash

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/pkgconfig/  CC='ccache gcc' CFLAGS=-g
'../../evolution/' --prefix='/opt/evo'

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/pkgconfig/ make install

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