Re: [Evolution] top versus bottom posting and the "control-L"function

On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 21:10 +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
El dÃa martes, octubre 20, 2009 a las 02:57:10 -0400, Derek McDaniel escribiÃ:

Its much easier to top post to non-mailing list clients. You need to
realize, most people are not computer savy and don't care about the
"netiquette" as much as Linux users do. I wont bottom post to a client or
anyone that's not on an email list. They get confused and it makes more work
for me to try and explain it. 90% of all users I email use top post except
for mailing lists.
I'm not a Linux user, but FreeBSD. You are right in one statement:
It's more easier to top post (with browser-like MUA, like OutLook,
Evo or any webmail in a real browser). The problem is that these
MUA are buggy or wrong coded.

Horde, a web-based MUA, bottom posts and quotes just fine.

All this would not happen if you use a realy good MUA (like 'mutt')
and a good text editor (like 'vim'), as I do.

Or a good GUI client like Evolution.

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