Re: [Evolution] attachment.dat

Sylvia SÃnchez wrote:

El jue, 05-11-2009 a las 10:11 -0500, Reid Thompson escribiÃ:
On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 13:06 -0200, Sylvia SÃnchez wrote:

> But what exactly is a *.dat file?  What it does or contain?
there are a couple of threads in the past several weeks that explain
the .dat file

That is NOT an answer. I don't have time to go swimming into thousands of mails. I can't guess where it is.


It is an answer ( just one that you evidently don't like ). and you don't have to go swimming through thousands of emails nor guess where it is -- I told you; in the past several weeks. As an alternative you could just take a few seconds to google what is a dat file.


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