Re: [Evolution] why older version on official site ?

The Gnome Windows binaries aren't as that up to date too

who maintains this ? its look like an official website.

I do, but not really "officially". Depends on what you mean with
"official". And it's not really a website, but a FTP site...

The GTK+ stack (libpng, zlib, GLib, atk, Pango, GTK+) binaries there
are somewhat "official" and very up-to-date. But the GNOME stack stuff
above GTK+ up to and including Evolution is very much less so, as you

You can find fresher Win32 binaries of the GNOME stack and Evolution
in the openSUSE Build Service,
. But you need to learn how to unpack them and how to manage
dependencies yourself. And of course, these are experimental, too,
with no support.

Eventually the stuff on will be superseded by stuff from
the openSUSE Build Service (just repackaged as trivial zip files
instead of RPM packages), but we are not quite there yet.


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