[Evolution] my 1st impression & what's missing

Hi Guys,
first of all i want to thank all of you for the great work you have done on this project! Well done!
I looked at evolution on my windoes maschine two years ago and was thinking.... aaachhhh 
nice tool but not compareable to my outlook. Let's wait 12 month and see what theses guy do out of it and try 
it one again.
Well yesterday was that day more than 12 month later. But this time on my Linux box since i achieved to 
let Microsoft go and switch to Linux.  Therefor i was really excited to try out evolution! 
But ... to be honest i am a little bit disappointed. Why?

Because there are a few really important things missing (for me ) to use it in business purpose.
Now please DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONAL but just as a suggestion from someone looking at useability.

1) Contact management [It's terrible]
If you open the screen you get a pure waiste of space and NO useability at all!
I imported my Contacts from Thunderbird (there imported from Outlook) and 

1A) the sorted as Parameter is wrong. I have to touch every single COntact and correkt it. 

1B) Who was that genius implementing a horizontal scroll bar? 
It's THE unsueability mankind knows. A simple vertical one would make things easier and would
be effective.

1C) I can not define witch items should be put out f.e. if i do fax a lot i wanna see the fax and not Notices.

1D) Search is not working! I thought i give it a chance and use the search. But not wildcards etc are working 

1E) Waisted space in the bottom. Why don't you open up a selected contact in detail in the bottum. 
For a detailed view it is necessary to open a complete new window ;(

1F) Where are the TABS with letters so one could jump to the certain Name by clicking on T for example.
That would make things more convienient.

1G) Icons for Tel, mobile, email company would make things readably much faster and save time. 
When you open up contacts you get punchend by a mass of TEXT ONLY 

1H) Contacs are not displayd correctly and start to miss suddenly. There are free spaces displayed instead of 
the contacts?!?!

But the good thing is the category you can put contacts in. Most of all i had to laught about the category 
Thanks for that!

2) Calender

WELL DONE no complainmenst for now ;)


3) To Dos 

ALMOST WELL DONE  ;) I can live with that!


4) E-Mails

4A) Search missunderstandable. 
The idea of putting the search options in a ICON left from the input field is bad! 
No one is used to klick on ICONS IN INPUT fields and never left of the text!
You always use options at the right from something (in EU / Ameriaks / Australis ..) 

The yellow ICON is not self intuitive. At the left you find an ICON that 99% interprete as search
 (but here it is used falsly for OPTIONS) and on the right you find a icon that might mean clean or whipe 
somethign out but not SEARCH ?!?!  

4B) Saearch is not working the first time. Only when you repeat the search that it finds the right stuff.

4C) The additional Options at the right from the Input box are not logic. And what hurts the most you could 
put them just as checkboxes right from the start available so users are not forcded to a) think b) try things 
c) klick, select and klick again

4D) You can not escape out of the search modus. That's very stupid. Clicking on the left at any input 
will not END the search and you will not get displayed any E-Mails!!

4C) Wrong Icons & Color at the Menu bar. The Cancel buttom is RED (but why??). Instead the Delete buttom is 
Now ask yourself what deserves more the color red. A simple "hey stop here" or a more important action 

4D) explicit PORT  in POP etc missing. So you can not put an explicit Port in it when you run a moire secure 

4E) Filters are NOT really working well. 

4F) It's not logic to create a filter and then to be forced to a) select all e-mails b) press STR Y c) for 
every directory.
This should work automaticaly but you schould have the option to select a specific directory. 
I do not have the time to klick and press around too much!

4G) No archieving functionality. This is a must for modern E-Mail clients guys!

4H) Security button for Downloading IMAGES in emails. Sometimes there are nice e-mails so you wanne see
the images. Especially when it comes from a "HOT CONTACT" ;)

4I) Composing E-Mails is well done! Simple easy to use and not overloaded!!!

4J) Plugin engine should be opend up so everyone can program plugins for it 
e.g. Auto response or text pattern for standartized response E-Mails.


Hope someone can take these points and think about them if not allready done. 
I do critizise as a welcome task. For many that's not the best way to be integrated into a community
but i do this only because i believe in this program and want do do my part to improove and 
spread it's use. So usualy i'm a quite nice guy but my english doesn't allow me to write things 
a bit more humoriously as i would like to... so ;)

Thanks and keep on rocking guys!

I will use evolution but only as addition to thunderbird in parallel.

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