Re: [Evolution] evolution crashing randomly

First run 'yum install yum-utils' (without the quotes) then run Matt's 1st command for the debugger install. The debuginfo  packages are part of the yum utilies packages. 

Debug packages are there, but they're kept in a separate repo.  Try:

  debuginfo-install --enablerepo=updates-testing evolution

(If that doesn't work, try --enablerepo=updates-testing-debuginfo.  Not
sure which is right.)

That should pull down the debug packages for both evolution and all the
libraries evolution uses, so your stack traces will be complete.  (Fair
warning, the download might be largish.)

Matthew Barnes

Tim McConnell <tmick1 earthlink net>

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 18:36:48 +0100
From: Thomas Mittelstaedt <tmstaedt t-mittelstaedt de>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] evolution crashing randomly
To: Tom H <tom limepepper co uk>
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Message-ID: <1235756208 16651 35 camel linux1>
Content-Type: text/plain

Am Freitag, den 27.02.2009, 17:25 +0000 schrieb Tom H:
> On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 17:50 +0100, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote: 
> > 
> > P.S.: ... and don't forget to report all those little bugs to
> > 
> I was wondering whether I can get some tips on getting a debug log or
> core dump for a bug report, there doesn't seem to be a evolution-debug
> package in the fedora 10 repos, and the --debug option is not revealing
> much.
> Tom

I start evolution with the following script, which I also put
into /opt/evo/bin

# Put this file in your PATH and/or invoke it directly.
# - Enables full debugging (note!  Privacy concerns!)
# - Enables core dumps (ulimit)
# - Creates a new log directory for this instance of Evo
# - Cd's there to keep everything related to this run together
# You should clean out those log directories occasionally.


# Set up debugging.  Remember EVERYTHING!

# Allow for core dumps.
ulimit -c unlimited

# All our email is dumped with debugging, so set restrictive permissions
umask 0077

# Create a directory just for this run
logdir="$prefix/log/`date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S'`"
mkdir -p "$logdir"
cd "$logdir" || exit 1

# Run it
while [ -e "$logdir/evo.log.$i" ]; do
   i=`expr $i + 1`

killall bonobo-activation-server
#/opt/evo/bin/evolution --force-shutdown

exec "$prefix/bin/evolution-env" "gdb" -x "$prefix/.gdbinit"
"$prefix/bin/evolution" "$@" 


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 13:09:52 -0500
From: Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] evolution crashing randomly
To: Tom H <tom limepepper co uk>
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Message-ID: <1235758192 3281 10 camel localhost localdomain>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 17:25 +0000, Tom H wrote:
> I was wondering whether I can get some tips on getting a debug log or
> core dump for a bug report, there doesn't seem to be a evolution-debug
> package in the fedora 10 repos, and the --debug option is not revealing
> much.

Debug packages are there, but they're kept in a separate repo.  Try:

  debuginfo-install --enablerepo=updates-testing evolution

(If that doesn't work, try --enablerepo=updates-testing-debuginfo.  Not
sure which is right.)

That should pull down the debug packages for both evolution and all the
libraries evolution uses, so your stack traces will be complete.  (Fair
warning, the download might be largish.)

Matthew Barnes


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 13:30:52 -0500
From: Reid Thompson <reid thompson ateb com>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] evolution crashing randomly
To: Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve>
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Message-ID: <1235759452 20005 1 camel raker ateb com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 12:36 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 17:50 +0100, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
> > Why don't you check out the bleeding edge version. Just grab the
> > Makefile at
> > and do a 'make all'. It will check out the latest subversion trunk
> > version, configure, build and install it to /opt/evo. 
> > I do that for several months now and it works very well.
> Unfortunately Paul's Makefile only works for Ubuntu and Debian.
> poc
> _______________________________________________
> Evolution-list mailing list
> Evolution-list gnome org

i use it on gentoo ---

my slightly mod'd version is attached

you can do a diffs against the original from the website.

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