Re: [Evolution] Opening pdf attachments

On 12/15/2009 Carpet Nailz wrote:
 I see lots of posts about similar problems, but there doesn't seem to
 a solution that I've found.

 I'm running Evo, which is the latest version for openSuse
 When I get a pdf attachment, I often do not get the option to open the
 attachment with either Acrobat reader or Evince. One email that I
 received this morning only give me the options of gedit or Writer/Web...

 Other times I get one or the other or both Acrobat or Evince. I
 received one email with two pdf attachments. One attachment gave me
 options and the other did not (??).

 I did not have this problem in the past with Evolution--seems to have
 started with my move to openSuse 11.1.

 If I right-click on a pdf file in Nautilus it shows all the relevant

 Thanks for any help.
This is a MIME problem, not an evolution one.  It depends on how the 
sending system encodes the PDF acrobat/PDF or application/PDF.  Make 
sure both MIME types open in the reader you want.

Art Alexion
MIS/Central Office Support
Resources for Human Development

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