Re: [Evolution] yet another newb question

On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 00:30 -0800, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 16:40 +1100, Nick Jenkins wrote:
I'd like a "paste as plain text" option for Evolution.

SHIFT-CTRL-V. I end up pasting into a text editor first and then
recopy & paste to remove Evolutions crazy formatting.

I agree. I often have a text editor running, which I paste into,
copy from, then paste that into Evolution, just to strip all
out of text.
Paste as plain text.  What a great idea.  This should always happen
when pasting 
into plain text email.  I too have to keep an editor running to strip
out evo's formatting.

Just in case you aren't aware of it: you can select the pasted text and
apply the Preformatted option from the format bar to turn off Evo's
formatting. I do this all the time (e.g. to paste samples of terminal
sessions or log files) and so far have never needed an external editor.


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