Re: [Evolution] Date formats

On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 14:02 -0500, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 12:29 -0600, John Lange wrote:
In every programming language I've used, plus things like OpenOffice
mentioned above, the number of formatting options for dates and times
is mind numbing. So, I would have to think that "yes", there are
many-many variations. Given that opensource software strives to be
international friendly, flexibility is important.

That's unfortunate but convincing.

I'll fix up the combos and take a look at what OpenOffice does for
customization.  Might have to just throw up a stupid dialog with an
entry box for now.  And title it "Good Luck" just to be snarky. ;)

"Good Luck" is not snarky enough, title it "man date" ;)

John Lange

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