Re: [Evolution] has undefined reference

On Mon, 2008-11-10 at 10:13 -0500, Jeff Singleton wrote:

Reinstalling the gnome-icons-theme package did not fix the 'red X' images.  I even tried copying the icons 
from my system folder /usr/share/icons and still no icons. The public folders show up when I search for new 
subscriptions and I can add them to my 'Favourites' menu --- but I always see "Error Refreshing Folder". So 
I have yet to get my folder populated with any news or messages.

E-Mail seems to work just fine.  Moving messages to other folders does not work at all (they don't even 
copy to that folder).

Can you watch out for any messages printed on the console during
move/copy ?

And would be nice if you can raise the issues in bugzilla. Easier to
track :) 

in Bugzilla use : "evolution[mapi]" in "Status Whiteboard" field.

Thanks ! 

So the long and short of it is that I really have to have Public Folders synchronization for me to be able 
to use Evo w/ MAPI at work.

IS there any kind of goal set for getting full Public Folder functionality working?

We don't have the APIs for this. Openchange is working on this. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Suman Manjunath [mailto:manjunath suman gmail com]
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 1:19 AM
To: Jeff Singleton
Subject: Re: [Evolution] has undefined reference

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Jeff Singleton
<JSingleton airdefense net> wrote:
1.  I see no icons on several areas (folders, message status, some
top menu bar) - all white boxes with red X

You might have to build gnome-icon-* / hicolor-icon theme etc.. not a
bug in Evolution

2.  I can't seem to get public folders to sync....  I can add them by
subscribing to them under Folders, but they don't do anything after.

IIUC, you can subscribe to public folders and see the contents.
Exactly what do you mean by sync?
No - we don't yet support syncing with your existing public folder
subscriptions (that you might have created from Outlook) - you will
have to re-subscribe to them in Evolution.



Are these still being worked on or is there something I can do to
remedy this?

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