Re: [Evolution] Accidental sorting

I think what the original person meant is that if you have no message
selected and something happens to the folder, the system automatically
selects message number 1 which invariably means that the view
immediately scrolls to the top of the list.  As the original poster
said, this most often happens if you delete a message, then expunge -
the message you did have selected has disappeared and so the system
doesn't know where to go.

I have some sympathy with the devs.  If you delete & expunge a message
in the middle of the folder list, which message should then be
highlighted - if it's an unthreaded view, then just select the next in
the list - but if it's a threaded view, the next message may be in some
distant thread and it would be counter intuitive.  So they obviously
went for message number 1.


On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 17:47 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
there are some hidden options to enable that, they are on by default,
but if you use trunk/svn and scheme install failed for you, then the
option is off.

Try create/check these bool values in gconf editor:
   (Whether sort threads based on latest message in that thread)

   (Default value for thread expand state)

There is no UI option for these values at the moment.
      Hope that helps,

On Mon, 2008-03-10 at 11:53 -0400, Reid Thompson wrote:
I was commenting on the fact that threaded sorting with latest emails
the bottom seems to be broken ( one click sorting on headers is fine
with me, I prefer it actually ).  The issue I see is that if you sort
date such that latest emails are at the bottom, and you have threaded
sorting on, thread location is determined by the datestamp of the
email in the thread rather than the last email in the thread.  This
results in threads that are 'up the ladder and out of the viewing
window' receiving new responses that I as the user do not see unless I
scroll up the viewing window.  I believe that the thread location in
viewing window should be determined by the datestamp of the last email
received for the thread.

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