Re: [Evolution] Duplicate e-Mails - Evolution keepscollectingduplicates

On Sun, 2007-10-14 at 18:39 -0400, LLLActive GMX Net wrote:
it is a topic I expect to have been around before. I keep getting
duplicate e-Mails with Evolution 2.12.0 on OpenSUSE 10.3. Every now
then it asks all the account passwords again, then collects all the
mails again. I keep the mails on the server to be able to roam and get
my mails from various PC's and places. 
Perhaps the problems are unique to openSuse 10.3.  I've been using Evo
2.12 with Kubuntu Gutsy without these or the aforementioned exchange
problems for over a month now.  At work, I am using SLED 10.1 which uses
Evo 2.6, also without the problems.  Did the opensuse packages come with
distro-specific "tweaks"?
Art Alexion
Resources for Human Development, Inc.          215-951-0300 x3075
4700 Wissahickon Ave.                                 art rhd org
Philadelphia, PA 19144                      

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