Re: [Evolution] Why Evo is so ugly?

On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 23:31 -0800, Jesse Scarcege wrote:

Excuse me if I offend somebody but I thin Evo's GUI is so ugly that
every time I use it it makes me want to go back to Outlook.
is there anyway to change Evo's theme or to replace that boring gray color?

Evo just uses your gnome desktop theme, so if it's ugly, it's because
you've picked an ugly gnome theme :o).

If by "ugly", you mean "doesn't look/behave exactly like msoutlook",
then you might be better served with a KDE app (kdepim, or kontact, or
somesuch).  IME, KDE-based apps tend to look and behave a lot more like
MS apps than gnome/gtk apps do.

Oh, and speaking of ugly...  TOFU posting in response to a digest mail,
without even bothering to trim the digest?  Now that's ugly, and pretty
bad mailing list etiquette to boot :o)

Brett Johnson <brett hp com>

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