Re: [Evolution] new mail notify applet? Where?

James Pifer wrote:

Ah, yes, I don't have an option for Evolution. I selected Autoselect for
the mailbox type.
I installed by RPM(using yum) not source. Wonder if there's a way to get
the evolution patch for mine on FC4? Wonder if I could install from the
same source you used?
Mail-notification 2.0 has support for evolution and compiles against evo 2.2. The patch is probably to be able compile against evo 2.4. I patched the source manually (some build dependencies etc..).

So you don't really need that patch. Get the source rpm, enable the evolution compile flag (probably disabled by default in the rpm) and fix some issues for 2.2->2.4. You'll probably need to get the evolution sources too, to be able to compile.


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