Re: [Evolution] Using Address Book as white list

Postfix sounds like a good approach if your setup allows, but here is also a
client-side hack which mostly works for me (I'm sure there are better ways to
parse the database file):

Create a evo filter rule like such, which preceeds any junk test rules:

If 'Pipe to program' returns 0, then 'Move to folder' Inbox/Ham, and 'Unset
status' 'Junk', ..., 'Stop processing'.

The program I use to parse my contacts is this:

strings ~/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db | \
   grep EMAIL | \
   awk -F: '{print $NF }' > ~/.evo2-contacts
egrep \
   `cat | egrep ^From: $1 | cut -d: -f2 | sed -e 's/[<>]/\n/g' | egrep @`
~/.evo2-contacts \
        2>&1 >> /dev/null
exit $?

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