Re: [Evolution] OSX-like daemon for Evolution Calendar

Just wondering what this is?
When starting the daemon, I encountered the error described in that bug report:
evolution-alarm-notify-ERROR **: Could not create the alarm notify
service factory

Please let me know if I should debug this further or give you more info.


On 2/27/06, Srinivasa Ragavan <sragavan novell com> wrote:
Just wondering what this is? I dont remember seeing such a bug. You
should be able to use it.

Chen: Any idea what is this?

On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 09:21 +0100, Pieter Van Gorp wrote:
I've been happy too soon... it seems like isn't solved yet
since I'm encountering exactly the same error:
pvgorp gorp:~$ /usr/lib/evolution/2.4/evolution-alarm-notify

evolution-alarm-notify-ERROR **: Could not create the alarm notify
service factory


On 2/27/06, Pieter Van Gorp <pieter pietervangorp com> wrote:
That's great!  Thanks for your answer.

Kind regards,

On 2/27/06, Srinivasa Ragavan <sragavan novell com> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 10:45 +0100, Pieter Van Gorp wrote:
Hi all,
I just read about the Evolution Daemon on

From my (limited) user experience, this daemon is only active when
Evolution is active.  I prefer the OSX-like behavior where some daemon
Not really. It is just that evolution starts alarm daemon (If it is not
started already), when it starts. You can start the daemon seperately
using /opt/gnome/libexec/evolution/2.6/evolution-alarm-notify. You can
add it to the startup programs, in which case it would behave the way
you wanted.
starts when you log in and ensures you're notified of appointments
even when your calendar application is not (yet) started.

Am I missing some feature or is this not implemented (yet?) on Linux?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Pieter Van Gorp.

PS: Evolution + Multisync kicks ass!  Bluetooth synchronization is
much faster than on OSX ;-)
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