Re: [Evolution] Exchange

On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 09:50 -0600, Stephens, Bill {PBSG} wrote:
What's evolution-brutus?
evolution-brutus is an alternative Exchange connector. e-b connects to
Exchange using MAPI (as do Outlook) while the original Exchange
connector are using WebDAV (as OWA).

It is described in greater detail here:

You can download it here:


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Colding <colding omesc com>
To: Stephens, Bill {PBSG}
Cc: evolution-list gnome org <evolution-list gnome org>
Sent: Thu Dec 14 09:00:16 2006
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Exchange

On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 08:57 -0600, Stephens, Bill {PBSG} wrote:
That sounds like my problem.  Any idea if it's fixable, or any other
workarounds besides backing down to 2.0.x?
You could try evolution-brutus....

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