Re: [Evolution] Mailclient window mockup

On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 03:36 +0200, Samuel Abels wrote:
On Sa, 2005-09-17 at 21:02 -0400, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
looks to be an exercise in maximising wasted space to me... a bit
inefficient of a UI.

You have a point, but optimizing *only* on space is also not a good
idea. Cutting away the subject lines is a high price to pay for a litte
screen estate - it's what we want the screen estate for in the first

Nevertheless, I added a version that is a bit more optimized on being
space efficient:

It's still wasting an *incredible* amount of space chewing up all
that real estate repeating Reply, Reply to All, Forward & Mover
for every message.  Blech.

You're a D-D.  You know how long and nested the threads in d-devel
& d-user can get.  The wasted screen space ensures that the subjects
would get disappear after half a dozen messages.

No, the split pane is about as good as you're going to get it in
a 1-window (well, 2, since the email can be in a separate window)

Now, a multi-window system similar to the Nautilus spacial view,
where the folder list is in it's own window, and the subject list
has *it's* own window, that would be useful, so that you could
have long threads + From, To & CC columns.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Temporarily not of Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"A great many open minds should be closed for repairs."
Toledo Blade Newspaper

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