Re: [Evolution] mailsync question

Hi Andre,

I just noticed your response to my sync question.  (Strangely, I don't
think I got it as an e-mail and pasted your response from the

I've downloaded the CVS version of multisync and installed it.  I set
both plugins to Ximian Evolution 2.  It does fix corruption I introduce
in using mailsync (what I use to sync regular mbox mail folders) to sync
evolutions Inbox [after running mailsync, evolution complains about not
being able to save the file, probably because mailsync only touches
Inbox and none of the other files].  However, multisync doesn't seem to
allow me to set the remote user/hostname of the machine I want to sync

There also doesn't seem to be any documentation on the multisync site
for the Evolution 2 plugins.

Any idea how to configure this?



hi david,

sorry for answering very late.

Am Freitag, den 16.09.2005, 16:37 -0400 schrieb David Ronis:
I've looked at the ~/.evolution/mail/local directory and it is clearly
more involved than a simple unix mailbox.  There are the
following files:


Inbox looks like a standard mailbox file (although I'm not expert and
am not 100% sure) but the rest certainly aren't.  If I were to run
mailsync only on the Inbox file on the two machines, it might work,
but how about the rest (my bet is that they won't).

the four latter files contain internal evolution meta data for indexing.
if they  do not exist when starting evolution, evolution needs to build
them, so starting evolution takes *much* longer. :-)

(thanks to guenther for the info.)

If mailsync doesn't work, is there another program that can do what I

multisync for example, .


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