Re: [Evolution] Reply To List (right click Feature) in evo-

On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 09:59 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 17:00 +0530, Not Zed wrote:
On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 13:08 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:

Am Montag, den 16.05.2005, 11:45 +0800 schrieb Ow Mun Heng:
Just wondering how come support for the Right click, reply to List was
taken out of evo- it was there in the 2.0.4 series. 

we HAD to clean up the context menu, it was way too much there. think of
people with a low screen resolution.

Then why have the "mark as Junk, mark as NOT junk". 
Nevermind... I believe        the devs have their reasons.

Please don't blame us.  It wasn't us.  It was the UI team.  Wait till
you see the latest menu reorganisation, even more functionality removed
and other common stuff harder to get to.  Not the developers either.

What about having sub-menus.. like the vfilter thingy?

It's nice to be able to do that using the mouse as well as the Shortcut
key. Now, I have to manually go to Actions and select reply to list.

what about using [ctrl + l]?  the shortcut is much faster... ;-)

That's a reason why I use the mouse instead of the keyboard.
I see a message I want to read, I use the mouse to click on it, then if
I decide to reply to it, my hand doesn't actually leave the mouse ,hence
easier to  right click, and then select which mailbox I want the reply
to come from.

Is it end-user hackable?

afaik no.

You could put it back in using a plugin :)

Hmm.. Yeah... Then it'll be another thing to add on my already growing
todo list. 

Say.. how simple or hard is it to write a plugin anyway.

Very easy, at least for something like that.  All the code which
implements it is still there anyway, so it should only be a few lines of
code to re-hook it up.

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