Re: [Evolution] Re: Suggestions on how to work with Evolution UI effectively?

On Sun, 2005-03-06 at 21:39 -0700, Evolution List wrote:
I have to usually go over with the mouse, grab the
scroll bar (which Evolution has an annoying habit of causing to start
out at the top of a folders messages)

The world of email users is divided in two incompatible groups: those
that want the most recent message at the top and those that want it at
the bottom. Whoever designed the Evo GUI seems to be in the first group,
so no matter what ordering you specify for your folder, whenever Evo
can't remember where you were on your last visit, it puts you at the

Since I'm in the second group (I generally read text from top to bottom
and that's the way I like my folders), this is a constant frustration.

A more useful strategy IMHO would be:

1) If there exists a "current message", focus the window on that.
2) Otherwise, focus on the earliest unread message in the folder
("earliest" being defined by Recieved:, not Date:)


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