Re: [Evolution] Any suggested workarounds for yet one more interface quirk?

Hi Joep, 

I don't think your lamentations are right. I am working with Evo for 1,5
year, still using 1.4 - don't want to go to 2.x.y as it seems to be much
more unstable than 1.4.6 - but the (G)UI is good.

I am using Evo 2.0.2 though I suspect the UI features are probably
pretty similar.  

 Anybody with any
knowledge of computers - and even some unexperienced users - have no
problem with EVO. Even better, 

Well...I don't know about such a generalized statement being accurate
Joen.  I mean I do have some knowledge of computers :) and I find the UI
(at least with respect to keyboard shortcuts vs mouse use) very quirky
and unintuitive.  So I wouldn't necessarily say anybody :). 

...Moreover, any comparison to Outlook is an insult to the ximian team that
started Evolution (you don't know how many clients I have had with
corrupted systems by that wretched program!).

Please don't get me wrong Joep., I am all for getting away from Outlook.
100%!  I am not supporting Outlook at all.  I was just simply saying
that I suspected that Outlook had a mousy orientation to it's UI just as
Evolution seems to have based on what another poster was saying.  That
was all.  

(There I go again possibly being insulting in something I said :).  My
apologies to any members of the Ximian team if what I said was
insulting.  In the context of what I was saying I haven't got a clue why
that would be insulting but if it was, that was not my intention at

Incidentally Ximian Evolution IS meant to replace Outlook.  That was the
reason for starting the project and the ongoing desire of Evolution as
far as I know.  So to compare some aspects of Evolution with how Outlook
might do things is perfectly valid I think Joep.  Please correct me if I
am mistaken in this.  


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