Re: [Evolution] Mark as Read

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 21:55 +0100, Ron Eggler wrote:
I got Evolution 1.4.4 installed on my Suse 9.0 -System. It works great, but there are two things those bother me:
- I got a filter to Sort out the Spam-Mails with Spamassassin. The sort-thing works great, but i also told it, the messages sorted out should become the status 'Read' but they don't get this status. why? :(

perhaps the order is wwrong, you need to set the status before the message is moved/copied.  But i'm not really sure what the problem is, if it still persists, file a bug on and attach ~/.evolution/mail/filters.xml to it.

Also, try upgrading to 1.4.6 if you can.

- I call the mails and leave a copy on the serever, and if the mail isn't deleted on the server, it calls the same mail 1000 times, 'till it is deleted on the server :( why not just one time??

Hmm, could be many things, e.g. mail server not keeping persistent message id's, or other things.  Again, upgrade and file a bug if the problem persists.

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