Re: [Evolution] Pine and Evolution

On Sun, 2005-12-04 at 18:25 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 04.12.2005, 12:57 +0000 schrieb Paddy Hackett:
I am a new member of this mailing list and have some queries.
Why is Evolution slower than Outlook Express when delivering the same
volume of mail?

because evolution's got a different codebase then outlook express and
that is because we do not have access to their code because outlook
express is closed source. otherwise we would surely just copy their code
no matter which quality their code got. i mean - hey, if it's
faster... ;-)

What I want to know is why someone wants to deliver large volumes
of email using OE!!!!!

Is Paddy Hackett a wannabe spammer?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."
Vince Lombardi

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