Re: [Evolution] Debian and SUSE

On Sun, 2005-12-04 at 22:28 +0000, Paddy Hackett wrote:
How is it that when I got a recent Debian Sarge package of the linux
operating system it would not work for me after installation. Yet I had
little problems getting SUSE 10 up and running.

Paddy Hackett

Evolution-list mailing list
Evolution-list gnome org

Hi Paddy,

Probably because Debian is a pretty steep learning curve for Linux
Newbies, like me, and perhaps you. I started with Mandrake 7, and have
stayed with them ever since, but along the way I have dabbled in Red Hat
8 and 9, suse 9.3, Debian 3, Knoppix, and Slackware 9, Vector Linux and
Ubuntu.  Gentoo is too daunting for me, but all of these distros suit
different people for different reasons.  Why does someone wear a plaid
jacket and another a purple, and why does a dog lick itself - because he
can.  In Linux there are a number of varieties and flavours.  It seems
you are having trouble coming to terms with the rainbow when you have
lived in a colourless Windows world.  

Not everything in Linux has to work in the way you would like.  But
there are plenty out there that "just work" and Mandriva and SuSe are
just two of those.  If you want to "lift the hood" and poke around in
Debian and Gentoo or "Linux from Scratch" then go for it! But join those
mailing lists and ask those questions there.  This is not a "general"
Linux mailing list, this is for those who are dealing with Evolution, a
Personal Information Manager for Linux,  in the same way that Lookout is
a PIM under Windows.  

Go back to SuSe, do not worry about Debian, fire up Evolution, set up
your email accounts, and if you have any questions about Evolution then
this is the place where those questions would be welcome.


Andrew Greig
Melbourne, Australia

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