Re: [Evolution] Problem with junk filter

hi jose,

Am Mittwoch, den 03.08.2005, 00:56 +0200 schrieb Jose Romero Miret:
Hello all, i installed evolution long time ago and i've been a happy
user until a month ago I syncronized my gentoo and magically the junk
filter stop to work... I checked all option for junk and they seem ok,
so i'm guessing perhaps it's a bug or something else you can help me

Make sure you have enabled "Check incoming mail for junk" under "Edit |
Preferences | Mail Preferences | Junk | General".
If you use IMAP, also make sure you have enabled "Check new messages for
Junk contents" under "Edit | Preferences | Mail Accounts | Edit |
Receiving options | Options".
Also, Spamassassin needs at least 200 messages marked as spam or ham to
kick in.

hope these are some hints. :-/

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