Re: [Evolution] IMAP filter question

On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 17:34, John Schmidt wrote:
I just switched to IMAP and filters aren't automatically working. 
Should I have to manually execute "Apply Filters" on new messages in
my Inbox?  

I've re-created a couple of filters and I've turned on the  "Apply
filters to new messages in INBOX on this server" option.  I thought
that combination should do the trick but it doesn't.

The option should really say 'Apply filters to unseen messages....' -
and the "unseen" applies to all applications that read your inbox - so
if you access your imap account via another route (another MUA or even a
new mail notifier) then the messages are "seen" and the filters don't
apply.  Think of it another way - the messages in bold are "unread",
they aren't necessarily "new".


Pete Biggs :{)       pete physchem ox ac uk     pete biggs chem ox ac uk
  Phone: 01865 275490 (Work)    01865 275410 (Fax)     pete biggs org uk

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