Re: [Evolution] evo 2

You might have had their sympathy up to the point where you used "right
to expect".

Being free software - and even "more" free with the recent open release
of connector - your "rights" are pretty limited.  Putting "Novell" on
their name doesn't change that.

That being said, the developers on this list have a history for offering
a generous amount of their time and help to users who kindly ask for
it.  Evolution is a great product, particularly for the price.  I've had
my own problems with it, but I'm sure they'll get fixed.  I'm sure
before long, any RedCarpet issues that may exist for supported (or
to-be-supported) distros will be worked out.

I, too, would appreciate hearing from Ximian about what I can expect in
terms of updates not only of Evolution, but also of XD2, oOo, and RC
itself by using Red Carpet. I am presently using SuSE Pro 9.0, XD2, and 
Evolution 1.4.6. I'm a humble user and am not the least bit interested
in compiling or recompiling, tarring or untarring, etc. anything nor am
I giddy about the fact that there are 10 or 12 (complicated) ways to do
just about everything. I just choose to use my OS and my basic
productivity apps and want them to work. What do I have a right to
expect from Novell/Ximian?

Kelly Morris

Chris Boyce

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