Re: [Evolution] Two problems; zombie and no sound alerts

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 16:07 +0200, Timm Riesen wrote:
Concerning sound:

I tried it with both, esd running manually, and in auto-spawn mode.
Esd is working fine ("esdplay somesound.wav works perfectly") with both
variants, but evolution is still not willing to play a sound, when e new
mail arrives.

then not sure what's going on.

Concerning zombie process:

Closing evolution let the zombie go away. As soon as I restart
evolution, the zombie comes back as well.

Interesting too is that following processes do not terminate after
(normal) closing evolution:

triesen   1802  0.0  0.2  3684 2420 ?        S    15:33   0:00
/usr/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2 13

this is the configuration daemon, used by all GNOME applications, not
only evolution, so it is always running.

triesen   1804  0.0  0.2  5068 2784 ?        Ss   15:33   0:00
/usr/lib/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-server --ac-activate

ditto, this is the object activation daemon, also used by many GNOME
applications, like the panel, evolution, etc

triesen   1806  0.0  0.7 28312 8004 ?        S    15:33   0:00

this is running while there are calendar clients attached to it, like
the alarm daemon

triesen   1808  0.0  0.7 22344 7412 ?        S    15:33   0:00

this is the alarm daemon, which is always running also
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo novell com>

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