Re: [Evolution] Character encoding and expunge?

On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 11:06 +0200, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-05-23 at 15:17, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
>>                           Subject: 
>>Hva som skal st=?ISO-8859-1?B?5Q==?=
>>I mail som sendes u
>>Why isn't this shown like this ??:
>>Subject: Hva som skal stå I mail som sendes u
> because the subject encoding is broken and does not conform to the spec
> (which means this is probably spam anyway, so who cares???)
> for more information, read rfc2047 and rfc0822

Well, it's not spam, it's actually mail from a customer... And I am 
guessing that it does not conform to the spec... But I was just curious 
why Evolution doesn't handle this since most of the other MUA does?
The short of it is that the code in question is hairy enough as it is, without adding more workarounds for software who'se authors clearly haven't read the spec, or tried to interoperate in any way.

Particularly with the plethora of hacked up mailers out there, everything from perl web mailers to [gk]mailers, it would seem pretty well a waste of time to put in a fix just because SlopMail pre-Beta 0.0.95 didn't send out valid messages (as evolution has itself done in the past), particularly since it might even be fixed by now.

>>Second, why isn't there an option that make it possible to enable "hard"
>>delete of mail instead of delete and then have to press Ctrl-E to
>>expunge the mail. This should be a small task to implement, the code is
>>already there, just combine it... :)
> because it's a lot slower??? besides, EXPUNGE expunges the mailbox, not
> just a singleton message. why is it really that bad that it waits to
> expunge them all at once? makes more sense to me...

Well, it's not bad but it forces me to delete messages twice. I just 
mean that when I delete a message I really mean to delete it, I don't 
want to delete it twice (all though expunge deletes all marked messages 
in a mailbox..)

>>And also, when using IMAP, why isn't the seen flag marked when I have
>>read the email? I have to eg. go to another folder en back again to make
>>sure the mail is marked as read..
> because it's a lot slower??? :-)
> flag syncing is delayed until either:
> 1. a timeout expires
> 2. folder change

It can't be that much slower but then I am running my own mailserver on 
my LAN and I don't have any trouble with bandwidth... :)
Yes but we can't tell that from evolution.  The delay could be unspecifically long.

Sure we could do better, e.g. launch a background thread to do the flag syncing while we're displaying our version of the flags.  But there's only so many hours in a day and other more important problems to fix too.  The code didn't have the mechamisms to manage background tasks until fairly recently.  And well, as i keep saying (hinting), nobody's sent us a patch either.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>

Ximian Evolution and Free Software Developer

Novell, Inc.

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