Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.5 Out of Office and Contact Notes]

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 10:21 -0400, Wise, Jeremey wrote:
On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 11:57 -0400, Dan Winship wrote:
On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 08:35 -0400, Wise, Jeremey wrote:

Great... the contact thing is far worse then I thought. It apears I
trunkated all my notes. I build a contact for a vendor, say ACME. And
put info about site login IDs, web URls, Sales reps, technical contacts,
IRC info etc,

Presale contact:
john smith -North American Manager jonhsmith sales acme com Office 555-
1212 Cell 555-1212 
Technical contact:
Jane Smith -john smith -North American Product X Technical contact
jonhsmith sales acme com Office 555-1212 Cell 555-1212 
Jane Smith -john smith -North American Product X Technical contact
jonhsmith sales acme com Office 555-1212 Cell 555-1212 


I have just perused several of my larger business partners and vendors
and they are all truncated. 

Of course I would normaly just sync from my palm back... but that is
broke due to a SuSE kernel bug (
Which caused me to factory default my phone. 

I am looking at my replica/backup of 1.4.6 (I use RSYNC)prior to 1.5 migration.
[wisej cdburner Contacts]$cd /home/wisej/evolution.old/local/Contacts
[wisej cdburner Contacts]$ ls
addressbook.db  addressbook.db.summary  create-initial  folder-metadata.xml

Is their a way to get into the DB without reloading a box with 1.4.6 and opening it?

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