Re: [Evolution] IMAP and trash

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 13:09 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:

With IMAP, in the 1.4 series, deleting an email would send "haggis
imap"/Trash (which has a trash can icon next to it), where I could
do Action->"Empty Trash" to get rid of it.

Now, deleted emails go to "haggis imap"/INBOX/Trash, which I have to

How are they deleted?  You say you have to explictly delete them?  Huh?
then explicitly Delete, which sends them to "haggis imap"/Trash,
where Action->"Empty Trash" works as normal.

Is this extra step by design, or a bug?
I have no idea how you managed this.  The code doesn't do anything like this.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>

Ximian Evolution and Free Software Developer

Novell, Inc.

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