Re: [Evolution] Strangeness with E-mails from Mac's

I have noticed this phenomenon as you have described it also.  I have
not checked the same message in other email programs, but under outlook
(as of a few weeks ago) I never had this problem with either of the two
individuals.  I've been corresponding with them regularly for several


On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 07:14, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Bill Chmura wrote:

Okay, I have noticed this happening twice, both times the emails were
sent from Mac users.  I am guessing its a Mac thing.

Problem:  Spaces are missing between words occasionally.

Theory:  That when the Mac sends out an email and forms the paragraph
into individual lines it does not add spaces on to the end, and then
evolution does not compensate, like outlook, and add them if they are
not there.  This is pure speculation.

What do the same emails look like in another client?

I speculate that this is actually Evo's fault: if you
cut and paste several lines of text from an Evo message
pane to some other app (say Emacs), you get exactly this
effect. Lines are joined together with no intervening
space and the pasted text is presented as one very
long line.


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