Re: [Evolution] Sending/Receiving Tasks

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 13:26, James McTavish wrote:
At our office we would like to be able to send and receive
tasks/appointments.  Right now we go into the item and use the assign,
and send it off to several people.  Those recipients have to save the
attachment then use the File/Import command.  This seems a little too
convoluted.  When you receive the attachment the only options to view it

-Save Attachment...
-View Inline (via Evolution calender iTip/iMip viewer)
-Open in gedit...
-Open in

The view inline option does nothing.  The arrow points down but no
further information is displayed.

hmm, right, doesn't work for me right now. It doesn't display neither
for tasks nor for appointments. What version are you using?

This is pretty much a stock Mandrake 9.1 install.  I've checked the
/usr/share/mime-info/evolution.keys, and evolution is set up to handle
text/calender, which is what gnome recognizes it as.  

Is there a way to automatically place a task/appointment from an email
into my schedule/to-do list?

no, not yet :-(


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