Re: [Evolution] evolution taking 5+ minutes to shut down

On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 08:56, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:

I have this in my startup script:

hdparm -u 1 -a 8 -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda

and I get this when it's run:

 IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)
 unmaskirq    =  1 (on)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  1 (on)
 readahead    =  8 (on)


Any other thoughts?  =:)

What about adding the -W1 and -A1 and -b2 switches to the hdparm script
you're using - you can test out the results with:

hdparm -tT /dev/hda compare to what you've got beforehand...

Fri Jun 13 11:55:00 EST 2003
 11:55:00 up 1 day, 11:53,  3 users,  load average: 1.32, 1.18, 0.96
|            __    __          |kuhn media australia            |
|           /-oo /| |'-.       |           |
|          .\__/ || |   |      |================================|
|       _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'      |stephen kuhn                    |
|      | /  \__.`=._) (_       | email: skuhn telpacific com au |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1 & RH 7.3  
     Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
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