Re: [Evolution] How Can I backup/restore in Evolution?

On Sun, 2003-06-01 at 21:45, Ciba LO wrote:
Hello All Evolution-list Members,

I would like to backup/copy some files for the mail account info and
all the mailbox messages in Evolution.  Then restore/copy these data
files into another Mandrake machine.  This way, it saves me some time
in setting up Evolution in the Mandrake machine.  I don't want to
backup the whole Evolution sub-folder under the home folder.  How can
I accomplish that?

Please help!!!

Thank you very much for your assistance.
Best Regards,
Ciba LO<cibalo gmx co uk>  

You can tar/gzip the ~/home/usernamegoeshere/evolution directory and
then "restore" it to another machine - but you might have some issues
with permissions.

I got around that before by copying the entire evolution directory to a
FAT32 partition, then tar/gzip'ing it, THEN sticking it on another

Mon Jun  2 06:15:00 EST 2003
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'My strength is like the strength of ten because my heart is pure,' said Carrot.
'Really? Well, there's eleven of them.'

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