Re: [Evolution] [Fwd: keep track of own mails in maillinglists]

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 21:59, David Woodhouse wrote:

That may or may not be a desirable feature -- is that what you mean when
you say it "won't work as wished"?

Yeah. I would wish to have a vfolder or something where every thread I
participated in is listed in full. Note that I have no idea whether this
is feasible or not, I know just that it would help me.

I suppose looking for your own hostname in References: is going to pick
the mails only following on from your own mail, and won't include
messages in the same thread which _don't_ inherit from your mail --
messages in the thread before you joined, or sub-threads arising from
those earlier messages.


me 1
        reply 1
                reply 2

I addition to the exclusions you already gave, I doubt that above
approach would catch reply 2, would it?

I wonder how sane it would be to keep a list of Message-IDs for threads
in which you're interested, perhaps automatically added from your
References: header when you reply, and then to filter on References:
headers containing _any_ of those IDs? I suspect it won't be too fast,
and you'd need to have a sane way of expiring your list... probably not
too practical.

FreeAgent, a offline-capable newsreader I used years ago on Win 3.1 had
this ability: to avoid downloading every thread, you would first
download all the headers. Then you could mark threads you were
interested in, which would cause the bodies of these messages to be
downloaded from then on. That would be enough for me. It amounts to a 
option display in vfolder "Threads" "if thread contains mail from
<email>" or "if thread has <property> set". Sure it would be cool if it
were automatic, but I know nothing about smtp and can't say anything
about your above proposal.

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