Re: [Evolution] [Fwd: keep track of own mails in maillinglists]

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:25, Mario Vukelic wrote:
Hint: Try a vfolder or a filter to mark as important mail which contains
your own hostname (which Evo puts in the Message-ID) in the References:

Unfortunately, this won't work as wished. What would be cool, as "Joe
Radinger" said in a previous mail in this thread is "to have a kind of
filter that triggers on my postings AND the threads they are in."

I suppose looking for your own hostname in References: is going to pick
the mails only following on from your own mail, and won't include
messages in the same thread which _don't_ inherit from your mail --
messages in the thread before you joined, or sub-threads arising from
those earlier messages.

That may or may not be a desirable feature -- is that what you mean when
you say it "won't work as wished"?

I wonder how sane it would be to keep a list of Message-IDs for threads
in which you're interested, perhaps automatically added from your
References: header when you reply, and then to filter on References:
headers containing _any_ of those IDs? I suspect it won't be too fast,
and you'd need to have a sane way of expiring your list... probably not
too practical.


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